Texas A & M University
Texas A & M University Galveston
Texas A & M University RELLIS
TS Campus

Login to My Account

IMPORTANT REMINDER: Transportation Services continues to use cameras and license plate recognition software to verify parking permissions -- your license plate will serve as your permit. Please verify the license plate(s) linked to your current annual permit and keep your license plate(s) accurate and up to date to avoid citations.

HELPFUL HINT: Take a picture of your license plate so you will always have it available when entering or verifying this information.

NetID Login

You will temporarily be directed to the NetID login page before accessing your parking account.

Need to activate your NetID?
Forgot your NetID/Password?

(Single Sign-On / Workday)

Activate your SSO account
Forgot your SSO password

Blinn Students (Excluding TEAM or TEAB students)

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